Saturday, July 24, 2010

Project Take Back My Life

Over the past few years, its been a running joke- the more of a mess my room is, the more of a mess I am. Eventually, I realized how true it was, as did my friends. When my room is total disaster, more than likely, I am not doing well mentally or emotionally either.
So... for two years now my room, the kitchen, and all closet space has been a complete and total disaster. Sure, I've had moments when my laundry was folded and put away and the floor was vaccumed. Yes, occasionally the sink has been completely emptied and all the dishes put away, and the floor swept and mopped. But the organizational part of my life- the place where chaos ceased to exist and every item in my home had a place...well...its hasn't been like that for quite some time.
In some ways, the rest of my life has been like that too. My asthma has been not quite under control for five years. I have no pattern of rest and relaxation in place. I've developed awful spending habits. I haven't been maintaining myself, my budget, or my home for nearly three years. While it hasn't broken me yet, I am nearly certain if I continue in this way, emergency maintenance only, eventually life will careen out of control and it will.
But how do you try to get a handle on all of it? How do you undo years of disorganization and disorder?
Well... one day, one project, one lesson at a time.
There have been pockets of progress all summer long- a day at the beach, a trip to the ortho to have my ankles looked at and regular physical therapy appointments, an appointment to the allergist to work through some of my more serious asthma/allergy issues, intentionally leaving evenings or entire days free for reading or relaxing.
But the major projects had not begun. And the apartment...well...that remained in its perpetual state of chaos. Until today. Today, my roommate and I began to take back the kitchen.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with my living space, I live in an efficiency apartment- two bedrooms (one is mine, one is my roommates), a small kitchen, and a bathroom. Not much in the way of space. Because we are on an end unit, however, we have about 3 or 4 feet more sq. feet in the kitchen then other apartments- just enough to put in a kitchen table if the space is organized correctly. Ours was not.
It seems like a small thing, a silly thing even: an organized pantry, neat cabinets, and a kitchen table...but it represents something more. Aside from making it easier to cook and offering a place to eat (something remarkably helpful) it also is an intentional act of improving my life.
There is more that needs to be done in the kitchen, and even more that needs to be done in my room. But today was a step. And I'm happy with that. :)

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