Thursday, July 15, 2010

Older and Wiser: What does that look like?

Recently, a magazine I occasionally peruse featured an article called, “9 Things to Know before You Turn 30” (does this give away their target demographic or what?). As I am still a part of the under 30 crowd, I thought it might be worth a read. Now that I’ve read it I don’t know that it was, in fact, worth it. Quite honestly, if this is the kind of advice my generation needs to grow more mature, well, let’s just say the future holds little hope.

Clearly, I was irritated and even slightly offended by the article, but it did make me think. What does older and wiser look like? Like it or not (and some days, I really don’t like it) I am on the part of the trail marked “Adulthood”. Aside from holding down a job, paying my bills on time, and finding the occasional gray hair, what does that mean?

So far, it’s meant that I am acquiring the life experience to match the wealth of knowledge I’ve gained from too much higher education. I can’t say that that has made me any wiser, but has taught me quite a bit about myself and about other people. I’ve also found that it means I am making all the decisions about everything- from where I live to what doctor I see to what I eat, and while that may sound amazing to someone who doesn’t currently make those decisions for themselves, I assure you, it frequently scares the life out of me.

So to those who are older and wiser… what do I really need to know before I turn 30? What exactly does older AND wiser look like?

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