Thursday, July 22, 2010

Getting to know Jesus...again...

When's the last time you started a relationship? Sure a dating relationship, but even just a friendship? When you get to know someone, there are a thousand moments of discovery. What the person likes to eat, what they like to read, what makes them light up and talk non-stop for 20 minutes gesturing wildly. You discover what you have in common (what do you mean your great Aunt Sylvia made you an ugly Reindeer sweater every year for Christmas? Mine did too!) and what values you share (I'm a vegetarian too!). Eventually, some relationships move deeper. You see each other in moments of laughter and deep sorrow. Trust is built. Roadtrips happen.
Even when you know a person fairly well, you can't know every aspect of who they are or what thier experiances have been. So even as a relationships deepen, there are still moments of discovery. Like when you find out what silly costume they had to wear in the third grade play. Or that they played the clarinet in marching band all four years of high school (seriously, I know an inordinate number of people who were in marching band in high school). For me, for the most part, those moments are discovery are alot of fun, even when I've known the person for years. Its like getting to know someone all over again.
I want to get to know Jesus like that. For some reason, somewhere along the way, I became bold enough, or rather foolish enough, to think that because I have access to the Bible and I've read it a few times, there is nothing new to learn about Jesus. That's like saying I know Queen Noor of Jordan because I've read her autobiography. For the record, I've never met Queen Noor, so how could I possibly know her?
I am going back to Scriptures. The book of Luke, actually. But I want to go there with Jesus. I want to learn something new about who He is. But I want Him to show me. I want to experiance that moment of discovery learning something new about Him. I am hoping for a few more conversations as well that don't involve me doing all the talking. Listening is always a handy way to learn something. I want to get to know Jesus. Again.

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