Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pursuing Wholeness...

This week I have been preparing a narrative sermon based on Luke 8:40-48. For those who can't randomly connect stories to Scriptural references (don't worry, I can't either), its the story of the woman who touches the hem of Jesus' cloak and is healed.

The story is incredibly powerful- a woman, marginalized by a condition she couldn't control rendering her unclean, and thus unable to engage in society, is so drawn to Jesus that she touches his garment in a crowd. She did so at enormous risk- by touching him, by even being in the crowd she was rendering Jesus and any she bumped into unclean and therefore, unable to worship or interact with others. The gain, however, was huge- she was made whole and Jesus sent her in peace. Seven days after that, she was able to be cleaned and could rejoin society. She could go to the temple to worship. She could go to the well when others were present. She didn't have to worrry about being in a crowd anymore.

The more I learn about the Gospel, about this whole having a relationship with Jesus, its that it is about wholeness in every area of life. Jesus wants us to be whole, fully restored people and He will go to absolutely incredible ends to do that for us. I am talking physical, mental, emotional, spiritual restoration. The question for us is simply how bad do we want it? Because of my own circumstances recently, I have been faced with the question: what of my present reality am I willing to risk to be whole? How much do I trust Him? Am I willing to reach out and touch the hem of His cloak?

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