Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You blog?!

For a few years now, I have gone back and forth on the idea of blogging, mainly working from the premise that people really don’t want to read about the randomness that goes on inside my head. While this still may be true, I have discovered that there are actually a few other purposes.

1. To stay connected.
Recently, I’ve been following the blog of some friends who are writing about the adventures of home schooling their toddlers. We have not had a lot of time to talk or hang out recently, but I found that through reading about their daily adventures, seeing the photos, and watching the videos, I still felt really connected to them.

I find in my infrequent trips home or my rare phone conversations with friends scattered about the country that I always have a lot of ground to cover. My hope is that friends and family, as well as complete and total strangers, will feel more connected to me and my journey through my blog.

2.To share ideas and experiences.
I am new to ministry, and even though it’s been 16 years, sometimes I still feel new to faith too. I’ve found that dialogue is helpful, and hey, it’s also fun reading a truly random book review every now and then, or seeing how someone else views a passage of Scripture.

This blog will be about my faith journey (thus the title), the things I am learning in seminary and in ministry, and even about my failings. Expect some randomness (it’s how I roll), but I hope, you can also find something that connects to your own story, makes you laugh, or makes you think.


  1. If people don't want to read about "the randomness in your head," they don't have to. But for those of us who are curious, we now have the opportunity!

  2. this should be fun!

  3. yey for blogs :) now you have to follow mine ;)
