Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sometimes you end up relearning the basics...

Coming off the second week in the Semester, I was completely wallowing in self pity. It had been another crazy week in what was becoming a rather ridiculous series of crazy weeks, and I was tired. Not just physically tired, although I had had a profound lack of sleep, but mentally and emotionally exhausted. As my nerves ground down, I remember thinking, "Is this my life from now until December? Really?"
What didn't occur to me is how little I was communicating with God. Prayer, what? Reading the Bible? Its embarassing to admit- I'm in seminary, worse yet, I'm in ministry. How on earth could I have gotten disconnected from God? I could list my excuses, but none of them actually matter. I was exhausted because I was trying to do everything completely on my own. Funny... historically that has always been a poor choice.
The good news is that God is ever faithful- and He loves us and pursues us.The sermon on Sunday, a message on hope reminded me of the need to be connected to Him. Conversations with friends reminded me of this. And Scripture reminded me, particularly John 15:5 in which Jesus says, "Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing." Indeed, apart from Him I can do nothing.

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