Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dishes I WISH I knew how to cook...

As a Top Chef junkie and wanna-be foodie, I thought it would be appropriate to dream a little. Thus, dishes I would love to know how to cook:

-Boeuf Bourguignon: Classic Julia Child
-A fantastic bernaise sauce... really, all the classic French sauces. Techically, they are not dishes, but I feel like they are important enough to count.
-Green Thai Curry (I could live on Thai Curry, so I feel like its a skill I should have down)
-Chicken Marsala
-Empanadas (I had a lesson from a friend, but I need a refresher course)
-Good Biscuits and sausage gravy (the biscuit part I've got down, its the gravy that needs work)
-A souffle
-My friend Natalie's chicken recipe. Its really just that good.

Its funny, reflecting on this list, its a rather interesting assortment of cuisines.


  1. Rachel if you teach me how to make biscuits I will teach you how to make Empanadas
