Friday, August 5, 2011

It started with a question...

...and is culminating in a blog post. So, yesterday, I was posed the question, "What does your support system look like?" Honestly, for about 100 reasons, I have no clue what I answered. But the question has stayed on my mind, and here's what I've come up with:

-It's bigger than I expected. My support system- friends, family, and people who practically are family- is actually pretty big. When I moved, I had a ton of help at every turn.

-My support system is generous. Not just financially, but with thier time, talents, and affection. In two years, I have been in the emergency room and doctors office more times than I can count- and when it really matters, I always have someone with me. I have also had my refrigerator and freezer filled, my car serviced, my laundry washed, and my house cleaned by the people who care about me.

-They ask good questions and give wise counsel. "Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice." Proverbs 27:9. Although not every conversation feels great, I have friends that are honest, prayerful, and wise. They confront me when necessary, and they show me more grace than I deserve. Indeed, I receive much heartfelt advice.

The results of this in my life? Well...

-I don't ever wonder if I will go without. I can ask if I need something. And much to my shock, I actually do.

-It's helping me heal. I'm safe. I may not always feel it in a particular moment, but I have people who love me and care for me and cheer for me and yell at me. Because of that, I am much more willing to risk vulnerability.

-I am learning about God's love.

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