Thursday, March 31, 2011

Out like a lamb?

It's incredibly hard to believe its the last day of March. To me this means:
-4 weeks left to the semester
-A few days of increased busyness at the office
-The beginning of spring (although they seem to be calling for snow tonight...)
-Some incredibly busy weeks ahead

Although this has been a challenging semester with a fairly high workload, its been my most enjoyable to date. After 6 years of seminary, I have come to terms with the fact that:
1. I deeply love theology.
2. I am an academic. And that's okay.
As strange as it sounds, making peace with these pieces of who I am has freed me to enjoy school now. For the first time, I have found myself talking about what I am learning in a variety of setting, and actually speaking up in class. I am engaging the material more freely and I am having fun.   Who would have thought? ;)

More later.

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