Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Good Day

Today was a good day. It seems like such a strange thing to announce... but if you're not familiar with my life recently, let me fill you in: I haven't had many good days recently. So the appearance of one deserves more than a nod in its direction, but more a celebratory recognition.
I don't know that I would be able to say that there was one thing that made it particularly good. It was more a collection of the days events, and the fact that so many of them caused me to smile. :)
The day started with blueberry pancakes for breakfast with a friend, followed directly by a quick trip to Whole Foods before church. (As a side note: I am not allowed in that place unsupervised. I could easily spend a small fortune and walk out with nothing that I can create a meal from.) Worship this morning was wonderful, and after church, I enjoyed rehearsal for a sketch I am participating in in a few weeks. There were a couple of really great moments where ideas were moving back and forth and you could just see it coming together. I love when that happens!
My afternoon was spent cooking as per the usual Sunday routine. I can't say my dish for the week (a play on lasagna without noodles) turned out phenomenally well, but its not bad, and I won't mind eating it. As always, cooking was relaxing...and today I was in a sillier mood than normal.
The evening was spent reading George MacDonald out loud, and enjoying his unique turn of phrase immensely. His lengthy descriptions made me laugh out loud a few times, although I stumbled awkwardly in the reading. There seems to be little rhythm to his writing, and his word order isn't always the most intuitive to me.
Underneath the events of the day was a recognition, that, in spite of the all the difficulties of late, there is evidence of change in my life. I may struggle to recognize my own worth, but today I did. I may not always have balance in my life, but today it was evident. The battles, which seem endless and hard fought have finally yielded some ground, which gives me courage to continue moving forward.
Today was a good day. And that gives me hope for tomorrow.

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