Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's finished...now what's next?

On December 16, 2011 I attended my final grad school class. Hurray! Of course, once people hear that I am finished, the logical question seems to be, "What's next?" 

What's next is....
- Registering my car in the state of New York and changing over my drivers license to become an official resident. 

- Remaining on at Nyack College full time, as I have been for the last five years. 
- Remaining on as an Assistant Pastor at Westchester Chapel Church of the Nazarene. 

- Reading for fun and to learn...but having the privilege of creating my own book list. 
- Being present in my life and with the people in it. I have spent alot of time having the barrier of school preventing time with others, but school is no more. It can't be a distraction or a deterant from being present in the moments good and bad. 

- Continuing to heal physically. It's time for me to focus on my health, making sure I am on a path of healing. 

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