Thursday, October 20, 2011

Randomness organized in threes

Three Books I am currently reading: 
1. The Inner Circle by Brad Metzler - This is my fun read...which pretty much means I read about two pages each night before falling asleep. 
 2. Listening to God: Spiritual Formation in Congregations by John Ackerman- This one's for school. A surprisingly good read for pastors and laymen. (Clearly, I was not expecting to like this book). 
3. Mark: Texts @ Contexts- Again, for school. A collection of articles based on the Gospel of Mark. Interesting, academically challenging, and intellectually challenging. Am I okay with my God box being busted with some of these? 

Three Things I am thankful for: 
1. Pumpkin spice things. Especially pumpkin spice coffee things. But baked goods also rank. 
2. Late night conversations in the kitchen. They happen often, frequently in conjunction with a need to clean up the kitchen after dinner...or because we decide that its important to make bananas foster at 11:30 at night. 
3. God's crazy pursuit of me...even when I am resistant. 

Three Random thoughts that have crossed my mind in the last three hours: 
1. "How is it only 11:00am?"
2. "Those kids swear more than any adult I know" (referring to the middle schoolers who are on the playground right outside my window at work). 
3. "What am I going to do about eating today?" 

Top Three Most Played Songs Recently:
1. "Words" by Train
2. "Taking Chances" by Celine Dion
3. "Marry Me" by Train

Three Things I am looking forward to:
1. Sleeping in on Saturday
2. Going to Maryland for Thanksgiving
3. Finishing my Master's Degree

Three Words/Phrases that have creeped into my vocabulary recently: 
1. Fail.
2. Trippy.
3. So what does that mean? (Me to God. Often.)

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