Wednesday, June 29, 2011

April, May, June updates.

This could get really long really fast, so I am going to hit the highs and lows.

The Highs
  • Finishing my final spring semester in seminary.
  • Winnning free tickets to meet Train and see them at a private concert. (Did I care that I had something like 20 pages of papers due that week? NO! I got to meet Train and be front row at the concert.)

Me and Train

  •  Slowing life down long enough to receive love.
  • A Saturday afternoon in Tarrytown exploring Sunnyside capped by lunch at Silver Tips and movies in the evening with J & L.
  • Finding a new (and much larger, and cheaper) place to live.
  • Learning and absorbing new truths about myself and God at the speed of sound (or so it feels).
  • Seeing God provide over and over and over.
The Lows
  • Getting incredibly, life threateningly ill...and finding out it will take me until at least the end of August to recover fully.
  • Having to pack to move. (I hate that process.)
  • Weekly doctor's appointments.
  • Large amounts of change all at one time.
Its been a crazy period of time. And slowly, I'll have to catch you all up. But that will happen at a later date.

Tonight, I move. I'm excited and exhausted by the thought. I'll see about getting some picks of the chaos and posting them.

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