Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ways I never expected technology to enter my life

I've never been really obsessed with technology. I had a blackberry when I interned because it seemed like a necessity. When it started to take over my life (and kill my bank account), I ditched it for my then roommate's old flip phone. Growing up, we didn't have a computer until I was a sophomore in high school. I would type my papers in the computer lab at school or at my neighbor's house. I have DVR for the first time in my adult life (and cable...and tv in multiple rooms) because its part of our cable/ internet package. I haven't used the DVR feature yet except to program Modern Family for one of my roommates, and she had to shout step by step instructions from the kitchen. 
But technology is a part of my life. I have a blog. And twitter. And a cellphone that I picked out just because it would make it easier to send text messages. Even with that said, it still surprises me the way technology intersects with my life. 

So here is my list of unexpected ways technology has entered my life:
  • I email my doctors. The first time I received an email from one of my physicians, it kind of weirded me out. But now I use email to communicate with my primary care doctor, and my allergist (who manages my asthma). Its effective, its quick, and this past week, it actually kept me healthy because it enabled me to communicate faster. 
  • My office communicates by text message. When I am going to be late, or call out sick, I send a text message to my boss and the members of my department.
  • I can order my dinner online. I eat out much less these days (mainly because I am still figuring out how to order and eat out with dietary limitations), but in the past I have definitely ordered and paid for pizza online. It still kind of weirds me out. 
  • My cellphone is my new wallet. Want to see the latest pictures of my godson and goddaughter, or my nephew? They are in my cellphone. Don't get me wrong, I still have a few school shots tucked into my wallet, but I usually pull out my cellphone when I want to show off my family. 
  • I don't always have face to face conversations with my roommates when we are in the house. I still shake my head at this one, but I've definitely initiated communication this way, so I can't judge. It just makes me laugh when I receive a text message from someone upstairs. And last night, it WAS the easiest way to announce that the washer was free. (Go ahead...I know some of you are judging me.)
  • My community is global. I have friends that I regularly communicate with that live all over the country, and in other parts of the world. That still seems crazy to me.
Technology changes things in strange, unexpected, and really cool ways. But I still like face to face conversations, ordering a pizza in person, and hanging photographs of my loved ones on my wall. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Randomness organized in threes

Three Books I am currently reading: 
1. The Inner Circle by Brad Metzler - This is my fun read...which pretty much means I read about two pages each night before falling asleep. 
 2. Listening to God: Spiritual Formation in Congregations by John Ackerman- This one's for school. A surprisingly good read for pastors and laymen. (Clearly, I was not expecting to like this book). 
3. Mark: Texts @ Contexts- Again, for school. A collection of articles based on the Gospel of Mark. Interesting, academically challenging, and intellectually challenging. Am I okay with my God box being busted with some of these? 

Three Things I am thankful for: 
1. Pumpkin spice things. Especially pumpkin spice coffee things. But baked goods also rank. 
2. Late night conversations in the kitchen. They happen often, frequently in conjunction with a need to clean up the kitchen after dinner...or because we decide that its important to make bananas foster at 11:30 at night. 
3. God's crazy pursuit of me...even when I am resistant. 

Three Random thoughts that have crossed my mind in the last three hours: 
1. "How is it only 11:00am?"
2. "Those kids swear more than any adult I know" (referring to the middle schoolers who are on the playground right outside my window at work). 
3. "What am I going to do about eating today?" 

Top Three Most Played Songs Recently:
1. "Words" by Train
2. "Taking Chances" by Celine Dion
3. "Marry Me" by Train

Three Things I am looking forward to:
1. Sleeping in on Saturday
2. Going to Maryland for Thanksgiving
3. Finishing my Master's Degree

Three Words/Phrases that have creeped into my vocabulary recently: 
1. Fail.
2. Trippy.
3. So what does that mean? (Me to God. Often.)